The New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (NZCPHM) was established as an incorporated society in 2008 to represent the medical specialty of public health medicine in New Zealand.
We are responsible for the provision of specialist public health training for doctors who have completed their medical degree and for the ongoing professional development of our Fellows.
Public health medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the assessment of population health and healthcare needs, the development of policy and strategy, health promotion, the control and prevention of disease and the organisation of health services.
We promote early upstream action on potential sources of harm to the health of New Zealand's population, and the building of strong and stable foundations to ensure better and more equitable health for all.

Guardians of the nation’s health & well-being
Find out more about the College and its history
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Health for Everyone | Ō Tātou Hauora
For the 2023 Health for Everyone | Ō Tātou Hauora infographic, click here.
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Advancing public health medicine: education & professional development
Find out more about our training and continuing professional development programme.
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