Policy Statements

The following policy statements are the positions held by the NZCPHM on public health issues based on evidence obtained from scientific literature.

College policy statements are developed by Fellows of the College who have expertise in the subject area and approved by the College Council. A list of policy statement authors can be found here.

NZCPHM's Health for Everyone | Ō Tātou Hauora  2023

Statement on ethnicity as a marker of need

Statement on conflict in Gaza


Policy Statements


Achieving Smokefree Aotearoa

(Adobe PDF) 352KB


Alcohol Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 316KB


Armed Conflict Statement

(Adobe PDF) 215KB


Climate Change Substantive Policy Statement + Provisos
See supplements as separate downloads below.
The NZCPHM Climate Change Policy Statement 2013 has been endorsed by the New Zealand Medical Association, OraTaiao: The NZ Climate and Health Council, and the Public Health Association. It is also supported by the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine and the College of Intensive Care Medicine

(Adobe PDF) 1955KB


Climate Change Substantive Policy Statement - Supplement One
Supplement One: Background to the NZCPHM's stance on setting national GHG emissions targets

(Adobe PDF) 1625KB


Climate Change Substantive Policy Statement - Supplement Two
Supplement Two: Statements on climate change by other NZ health organisations and international public health medicine and climate change bodies

(Adobe PDF) 1718KB


Direct to Consumer Advertising
The NZCPHM has endorsed the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists position statement on Direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals

(Adobe PDF) 190KB


Health as an Investment
The NZCPHM has endorsed the New Zealand Medical Association's position statement on Health as an Investment

(Adobe PDF) 311KB


Health Equity Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 333KB


Housing Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 995KB


Immunisation Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 339KB


Māori Health Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 377KB


Mental Health Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 888KB


Mental Illness and/or Addiction
The NZCPHM has endorsed Equally Well - Take action to improve physical health outcomes for New Zealanders who experience mental illness and/or addiction: A consensus discussion paper.
Further information about Equally Well is available on the Te Pou website (

(Adobe PDF) 544KB


Nuclear Disarmament
The NZCPHM Nuclear Disarmament Policy has been endorsed by the New Zealand Medical Association and OraTaiao: The NZ Climate and Health Council

(Adobe PDF) 266KB


Case for investing in public health infographic
This infographic is based on the Public Health as an Investment Policy Statement above

(Adobe PDF) 150KB


Screening Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 321KB


Sugar Sweetened Beverages
The NZCPHM has endorsed the New Zealand Beverage Guidance Panel's Policy Brief: Options to Reduce Sugar Sweetened Beverage (SSB) Consumption in New Zealand

(Adobe PDF) 1307KB


Transport Policy Statement

(Adobe PDF) 799KB

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