NZCPHM Membership


A full schedule of the current subscription fees containing information about the different subscription categories can be found here.

Annual Subscription fees (incl. GST)

Fellow $2435
Fellow (inactive) $552
Associate in training $384
Associate not in training $633
Non-member reporting TOPS $3024

Reduced fees:

Reduced fees are available for those with low income or in a situation of hardship. Please contact us to find out more.

Application fees (incl. GST)

Fellowship application (IMG with vocational registration in public health medicine in NZ, not including FAFPHM) $931
Readmission to Fellowship $353
Associate Member application $617
Training programme application $568
Training programme reapplication $287

Training fees (incl. GST)

Advanced training fee for non-associate members $433
Recognition of prior learning (registrar) $318
Recognition of prior learning (non-member assessment) $1325
Examination fee $1136

TOPS fees (incl. GST)

TOPS fee for Associates $518
Late TOPS fee $243


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