

Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm
October 2024
The College has made a submission to the Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora on the Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2025/26 to 2027/28

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Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill (No 2)
September 2024
The College has made a submission to the Health Select Committee on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill (No 2). This Bill seeks to strengthen the regulatory framework for vaping to better protect young people.

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New Zealand's Second Emissions Reduction Plan (2026-2030)
August 2024
The College has made a submission to the Ministry for the Environment |
Manatū Mō Te Taiao on New Zealand's Second Emissions Reduction Plan (2026-2030)

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MCNZ Expedited pathway for registration in the Provisional Vocational scope of practice
July 2024
The College has provided feedback to the Medical Council on an expedited pathway for registration in the Provisional Vocational scope of practice

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Land Transport Speed Limits Rule 2024
July 2024
The NZCPHM has made a submission to the Ministry of Transport on the Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2024

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Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
June 2024
The NZCPHM has made a submission to the Primary Production Committee on the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

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Climate Change Commission 4th Emissions Budget and 2050 Target
May 2024
The NZCPHM has made a submission to He Pou a Rangi | Climate Change Commission on Aotearoa New Zealand's fourth emissions budget and review of the 2050 emissions reduction target.

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A Strategic Approach to Immunisation in New Zealand
May 2024
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to Te Pou Hauora Tūmatanui | Public Health Agency on a Strategic Approach to Immunisation in New Zealand

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GPS Transport 2024
March 2024
The NZCPHM has made a submission on the draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport 2024

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International Health Regulations
February 2024
The NZCPHM has made a submission on the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)

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COVID-19: Lessons Learned
November 2023
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic and made recommendations that will contribute to Aotearoa New Zealand being better prepared for the next global pandemic.

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Therapeutic Products Bill
February 2023
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to the Health Select Committee, which are currently considering the Therapy Products Bill, the College is responding to the draft bill.

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Long-term Insights Briefing Topic - Precision Health
January 2023
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to Manatῡ Hauora on the proposed topic of Prescription Health for a long-term briefing paper

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Pharmac Funding of PCV13 (Prevnar)
September 2022
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to Pharmac on the proposal to widen access to the PCV13 pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

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Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill
August 2022
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to the Health Select Committee on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill

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National Infection Prevention and Control Strategy
June 2022
The NZCPHM has provided feedback the Ministry of Health on the National Infection Prevention and Control Strategy.

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Healthy drinks in schools
June 2022
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to the Ministry of Education on introducing a healthy drinks only policy into primary schools.

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Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill
December 2021
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Health Select Committee on the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill

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Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill
June 2021
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Health Select Committee on the Inquiry into Supplementary Order Paper No. 38 on Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill.

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Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan
May 2021
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Health on the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan.

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Budget Policy Statement 2021
March 2021
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on the Budget Policy Statement

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Water Services Bill
March 2021
The NZCPHM, jointly with the Public Health Association, provided feedback to the Health Select Committee on the Water Services Bill.

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Aspirations for the Food Regulatory System
January 2021
The NZCPHM has provided feedback to the Food Regulation Standing Authority on Aspirations for the Food Regulatory System.

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He Ara Āwhina Service Level Monitoring Framework
December 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission on the Āwhina Service Level Monitoring Framework.

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2023 Census Content
November 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to Statistics NZ on the Preliminary View of the 2023 Census content.

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MCNZ Revised Accreditation Standards
November 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medical Council of New Zealand on the revised Accreditation Standards for New Zealand Training Providers of Vocational Medical Training and Recertification Programmes (the Standards).

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Draft He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework
September 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission on the draft He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework

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Discussion paper on when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in the care of patients
August 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medical Council of New Zealand on a discussion paper on when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in the care of patients

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Sex and Gender Identity Statistical Standards
August 2020
The NZPHM provided feedback to Statistics New Zealand on the Sex and Gender Identity Statistical Standards

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Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill
March 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Health Select Committee on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill

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Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill
March 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Social Services and Community Committee on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

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Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Reclassification Application
March 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medicines Classification Committee on the proposed change to the prescription classification statement for the HPV vaccine

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Taumata Arowai - the Water Services Regulator Bill
March 2020
The NZCPHM and the PHANZ provided feedback to the Health Select Committee on Taumata Arowai - the Water Services Regulator Bill

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Updated Code of Ethics for the New Zealand Medical Profession (2020)
January 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the New Zealand Medical Association on the updated Code of Ethics for the New Zealand Medical Profession

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Budget Policy Statement 2020
January 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on the Budget Policy Statement 2020

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Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Reform) Amendment Bill
January 2020
The NZCPHM and the PHANZ provided feedback to the Environment Select Committee on the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Reform) Amendment Bill

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Proposed fees for the accreditation of New Zealand-based vocational training and recertification providers
January 2020
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medical Council of New Zealand on the Proposed fees for the accreditation of New Zealand-based vocational training and recertification providers

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Issues for further consideration by the New Zealand Health and Disability System Review Panel
December 2019
The NZCPHM wrote a letter to the New Zealand Health and Disability System Review Expert Panel on further issues for consideration ahead of the release of their final recommendations

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Review of Folic Acid Fortification of Food
November 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry for Primary Industries on the review of Folic Acid Fortification of Food

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Resource Management Amendment Bill
November 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the New Zealand Parliament on the Resource Management Amendment Bill

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Action for Healthy Waterways
October 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry for the Environment on Action for healthy waterways: A discussion document on national direction for our essential freshwater

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Pregnancy Warning Labels on Alcoholic Beverages
October 2019
The NZPCHM provided feedback to Food Standards Australia and New Zealand on P1050: Pregnancy warning labels on alcoholic beverages

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Arms Legislation Bill
October 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Arms Legislation Bill

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Consultation on the Standards for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol
August 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Advertising Standards Authority on the standards for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol

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Smoke-free Environments Amendment Bill
August 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Health Select Committee on the Smoke-free Environments (Prohibiting Smoking in Motor Vehicles Carrying Children) Amendment Bill

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Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill
July 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Environmental Select Committee on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill

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Cultural Competence, Partnership and Health Equity
July 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medical Council of New Zealand on the revised statements 'Statement on cultural competence and the provision of culturally-safe care and Achieving best health outcomes for Māori: a resource

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Health and Disability System Review
May 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Health on the Health and Disability System Review

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Modernising the Charities Act 2005
May 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Department of Internal Affairs on Modernising the Charities Act 2005

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National Strategic Health and Disability Workforce Priorities 2019-2024
April 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Health on the Health Workforce Strategic Priorities

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Therapeutic Products Bill
April 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Health on the draft Therapeutic Products Bill

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Updated Code of Ethics for the New Zealand Medical Profession (2019)
April 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the New Zealand Medical Association on the updated Updated Code of Ethics for the New Zealand Medical Profession

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Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill
April 2019
The NZCPHM and the PHA made a joint submission supporting the Government's decision and swift action in introducing this bill as a first step towards ensuring that the tragic events of Friday 15 March never recur

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Letter to Prime Minister Rt Hon. Jacinda Ardern
March 2019
The NZCPHM expressed its sadness and concern for the tragic events in Christchurch on Friday 15 March and stated the College's wish to add its voice to those calling for immediate reform of New Zealand's gun laws

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Accreditation standards for New Zealand training providers of vocational medical training and recertification programmes
March 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medical Council of New Zealand on the revised accreditation standards for New Zealand training providers of vocational medical training and recertification programmes

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Budget Policy Statement 2019
January 2019
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on the Budget Policy Statement

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Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy
December 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy

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Stats NZ: Definition and conceptual framework for housing quality
November 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to Statistics NZ on the development of a definition and conceptual framework for housing quality

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HUD: Healthy Homes Standards
October 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development on its Healthy Homes Standards document

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MCNZ: Strengthening recertification for vocationally-registered doctors in New Zealand
October 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medical Council of New Zealand on its Strengthening recertification for vocationally-registered doctors in New Zealand document

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OraTaiao Climate Change and Health: A Health Professionals Joint Call for Action
September 2018
The NZCPHM supports OraTaiao's Joint Call for Action on climate change and health

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NZMA Direct to Consumer Laboratory Testing Position Statement
September 2018
The NZCPHM endorses NZMA's Direct to Consumer Laboratory Testing Position Statement

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RACP Position Statement - Action to prevent obesity and reduce its impact across the life course
September 2018
The NZCPHM endorses RACP's Position Statement and Evidence Review, Action to Prevent Obesity and Reduce its Impact Across the Life Course

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RACP Evidence Review - Action to prevent obesity and reduce its impact across the life course
September 2018
The NZCPHM endorses RACP's Position Statement and Evidence Review, 'Action to Prevent Obesity and Reduce its Impact Across the Life Course'

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Safe Practice in an Environment of Resource Limitation
August 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Medical Council of New Zealand on its Safe Practice in an Environment of Resource Limitation policy statement

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Zero Carbon Bill
July 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry for the Environment on the Zero Carbon Bill

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Pregnancy Warning Labels on Packaged Alcoholic Beverages
June 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Food Regulation Standing Committee

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Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry
June 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry

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Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Bill
May 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Governance and Administration Committee on the Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Bill

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Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill (No 2) and Supplementary Order Paper No 14
May 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Governance and Administration Committee on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill (No 2) and Supplementary Order Paper No 14

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Child Poverty Reduction Bill
April 2018
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Social Services and Community Committee on the Child Poverty Reduction Bill

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Children's Sector Joint Submission - Child Poverty Reduction Bill
April 2018
The NZCPHM is also a signatory to the Children's Sector Joint Submission on the Child Poverty Reduction Bill 2018

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Investing in New Zealand's Future Health Workforce. Post entry training of New Zealand's future health workforce: Proposed investment approach.
May 2017
The NZCPHM provided feedback to Health Workforce New Zealand on the proposed investment approach

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Draft New Zealand Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan
April 2017
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Health and Ministry for Primary Industries on the draft NZ Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan

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Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport
March 2017
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Transport on the draft Government Policy on Land Transport 2018/19 - 2027/28

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MCNZ Strengthening recertification requirements for vocationally registered doctors
March 2017
The NZCPHM provided feedback to MCNZ on the proposal to strengthen recertification requirements for vocationally registered doctors

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Draft Replacement NZ Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy
February 2017
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on the Draft Replacement NZ Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy

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Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill
February 2017
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Health Select Committee on the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill

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New Zealand Health Research Strategy: Public Discussion Document
July 2016
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on the New Zealand Health Research Strategy Public Discussion Document

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Standardised Tobacco Products and Packaging Draft Regulations
July 2016
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Ministry of Health on the Standardised Tobacco Products and Packaging Draft Regulations

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Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill (No 2)
June 2016
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Government Administration Select Committee on the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill (No 2)

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Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Display of Low-alcohol Beverages and Other Remedial Matters) Amendment Bill
June 2016
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Justice and Electoral Committee on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Display of Low-alcohol Beverages Matters) Amendment Bill

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Advertising to Children
April 2016
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Advertising Standards Authority on the review of the Code for Advertising to Children and the Children's Code for Advertising Food. The review was completed to coincide with the work being undertaken across a number of sectors as part of the childhood obesity plan.

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Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
March 2016
The NZCPHM made a submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) and the four related intellectual property issues

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Action Plan
February 2016
The NZCPHM provided feedback to the Ministry of Health on Taking Action on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

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