NZCPHM Membership


Membership of the College is available to any qualified medical practitioner who is registered to practice in Aotearoa New Zealand and who has interest and experience in public health medicine.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about becoming a Fellow or Associate Member of the NZCPHM.

The following categories of membership apply:


A public health medicine specialist who has completed the public health medicine training programme administered by the College, or who holds an equivalent international qualification.

If you have completed specialist training elsewhere, please contact us for advice on your pathway to Fellowship. An application fee applies.

Retired Fellow

Fellows who are no longer practicing medicine. Retired Fellows pay no subscription fees, but remain members of the College community, and are eligible to vote at Annual General Meetings.

Honorary Fellow

Awarded on rare occasions to medical practitioners of national or international eminence, who have rendered exceptional services to the College or to the science or practice of public health medicine.

Associate Member

Any qualified medical practitioner registered in Aotearoa New Zealand who has experience in and a commitment to Public Health Medicine.

Frequently asked questions and answers about Associate Membership can be accessed here.

Further information and the application form for Associate Membership can be found here

Associate in training

Registrars on the College's public health medicine training programme who are in advanced training.

Basic Registrar

Registrars on the College's public health medicine training programme who are in basic training.


Link For membership FAQ's click here



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