About the NZCPHM

The New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine (the College) is the professional body representing the medical specialty of public health medicine in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Public Health Medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the assessment of population health and health care needs, the development of policy and strategy, health promotion, the control and prevention of disease, and the organisation of services. We seek to achieve health gain and equity for our population, eliminating inequities across socioeconomic and ethnic groups, and promoting environments in which everyone can be healthy.

The College is responsible for the provision of public health training for doctors who have completed their medical degree and wish to specialise in the field of public health medicine. We also set standards for the professional development of our Fellows. This includes providing access to a professional development activity record system, and links to upcoming events and opportunities.

We are a collegial organisation, and our members include most of Aotearoa New Zealand's Public Health Medicine Specialists.  

For a presentation on the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine, see here.

Our Health for Everyone | Ō Tātou Hauora can be viewed here.


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