NZCPHM Careers

Job Vacancies

Listings for available positions of relevance to public health medicine can be found below.

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Advanced Registrar Positions at Te Whatu Ora - NPHS Protection | Transformation | Intelligence

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Job Ref: KHJ/HNZ/1786094
Closing Date: 22 Apr 2024

The registrar will develop competencies in communication, leadership, and teamwork as well as competencies in organisational management, especially on ability to support organisational change. The role will require the registrar to work in collaboration across NPHS, Health NZ, and with the Public Health Agency.

• Fixed term, 1.0 FTE for 12 months, potentially July start.
• Required to work in collaboration across NPHS, Health NZ, and with the Public Health Agency.
• Develop competencies in communication, leadership and teamwork as well as competencies in organisational management, especially on ability to support organisational change. 



Download Position Profile Public Health Medicine Regi.pdf
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