Upcoming Events

Health Law Intensive Course

Wellington Rowing Club Function Room.

The course will be held from Monday 26 August till Friday 30 August 2024 at the Wellington Rowing Club Function Room.

What to expect

  • The course consists of 5 full days of intensive teaching.
  • Each day includes lectures, case studies, and small group work, addressing the most important legal issues and challenges faced by the health sector.
  • A list of topics is set out in the attached brochure.
  • Numbers are limited to allow plenty of interaction with presenters and other participants.
  • Participants will be expected to prepare for the course with pre-course reading and will be assessed.

Who should attend? 

You will benefit from this course if you are working in a senior role in the health sector. In particular, you should consider attending if you: 

  • Practise as a chief medical adviser, clinical director/leader or as a senior clinician in the New Zealand health sector (as a doctor, nurse, or other registered health practitioner) 
  • Serve as a board member, chief executive, or senior manager of a health sector organisation (including DHBs, private hospitals, and NGOs) 
  • Have worked as a senior clinician or manager in an overseas jurisdiction and wish to develop your knowledge of New Zealand health law 
  • Are undertaking vocational training with any of the Royal Australasian Colleges 
  • Are considering studying towards a postgraduate qualification in health law, such as a University of Otago Masters in Bioethics and Health Law. 

For more information visit:

Health Law Intensive course, Faculty of Law | University of Otago


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