Upcoming Events

Preventive Mental Health Symposium 2024


The symposium is an initiative of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA). The symposium aims to bring together individuals from the public health, mental health, and other sectors to discuss the ways we can work together to advance Australia’s efforts in the promotion of mental wellbeing and the prevention of mental health conditions. The symposium has four objectives:

  • Increase people’s understanding of key concepts relating to promotion and prevention in mental health, and the role they can play in their setting.
  • Highlight the current state of the evidence and showcase examples of successful promotion and prevention programs across the lifespan, with an emphasis on those developed and/or available in Australia.
  • Examine what’s happening in Australia, and what’s needed to improve the availability and impacts of existing initiatives; embed promotion and prevention in government policy; and generate further advances in practice and research across the lifespan, and with a focus on equity.
  • Discuss opportunities for partnership and collaboration between the public health, mental health and other sectors to create a genuine multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral approach to this endeavour.


Click the link below to find out more and register.




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