NZCPHM Careers

Job Vacancies

Listings for available positions of relevance to public health medicine can be found below.

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Registrar position at Te Aho o Te Kahu | Cancer Control Agency Wellington

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Closing Date: 25 Sep 2023

Te Aho o Te Kahu (Cancer Control Agency) is a departmental agency hosted by the Ministry of Health to provide national leadership for and oversight of cancer control. The Agency takes a whole-of-system approach to preventing and managing cancer in New Zealand. It is accountable for ensuring transparency of progress towards the goals and outcomes in the National Cancer Action Plan. The Agency is equity-led, knowledge-driven, person/whānau-centred and outcomes-focused.

The Public Health Medicine Registrar will be a member of the Clinical Advisory Team in Te Aho o Te Kahu and will be responsible for supporting projects and service work across the Agency. This is a training placement for the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine.


Download JD Public Health Medicine Registrar - Te Aho.docx
(MS Word 2007) 75KB



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