NZCPHM Careers

Job Vacancies

Listings for available positions of relevance to public health medicine can be found below.

If you would like to have a job posted on the NZCPHM website, please contact us at

This listing service is free-of-charge to College members. Non-members can also place advertisements at a cost of $170 (plus GST).  This service is not available for overseas positions.

Te Kaiārahi Rautaki Māori (Māori Strategy Programme Lead)

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Closing Date: 08 Jun 2022

The NZCPHM is looking for someone to lead the implementation of the College's He Rautaki Māori / Māori Strategy and assist us to achieve our goal of becoming culturally safe, anti-racist, pro-equity and te Tiriti compliant.

You would need to be passionate about health equity and Māori health and have the cultural capacity to interact with confidence at a senior level and represent the College where required.  You will work with the College’s Whā me Whā Panel to lead the continued implementation of He Rautaki Māori - our Māori Strategy and report on progress as we work towards achieving our 2040 goal.

This is a permanent, part-time position.

Please contact Pam at with any queries and to apply.


Download 2022 Te Kaiarahi Rautaki Maori PD.pdf
(Adobe PDF) 172KB



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